Next, I proceeded to draw out my angles. With the assistance of matt, he said to just get the angles close. Well, upon further examination, I don't think my method of measuring was as 'accurate' as i'd have like it to been. Therefore, I thought of this.........Since the plans were originally drawn 1 : 1, then the print should be pretty damn close, even though its smaller.......with that knowledge, I nailed (yes) the paper to the board on the 90 degree mark and the 0 degree mark, I then took a ruler and drew out my angles. The beauty of this is that they all perfectly line up now!!
Finally, started on the routing and completed ALL (yes, all) of it. Which I feel like is making up for lost time from yesterday!!. Here are a few more random pictures I took.
The only things I have left to do is finish the center ring, and cut out the circular opening in the top piece of the frame which is what I am about to go do now after dinner! These rings should go fairly quickly with the help of my fancy jig for the roto-zip! And now, I present to you, the first real look at my future droid!!
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